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Question and Answer



Browse the following topics of Q&A. Don't see an answer to your question? Please contact us here.

This section contains graphic sensual topics

1.  Q- Isn't some of the content on this website considered pornographic?
A-  Yes. Please see our Beliefs section for a better understanding of use and qualification for this website's intent.


2. Q- Will same sex or polyamorous relationships be discussed on this website?
A- No. Because we see the Biblical model of marriage being of one man and one woman, we make the intentional choice to only display that stance on our pages. We understand that our society has come to a place where most things are permissible. We do not hold a place of judgement on this, only the choice as administrators to be selective on content based on what we see in scripture. We desire to love everyone wherever they are in life, but Eros Marriage will only display the sensual nature of a monogamous sex in marriage of a man and woman.

3. Q- Are there things off limits to what can be discussed on the website, or content of the stories and topics?
A- Yes. We will not display some explicit content, sexually immoral acts, or overly graphic and coarse use of language. Specifically the use of curse words, and certain descriptives in acts of sex. This is a website for Married Couples only! We will NOT include content of of anal sex, S&M, abusive treatment, sex as or with minors, sex out of wedlock, homosexuality,  bestiality, or sex in public in any of our published stories or material we choose to display on our website.

4. Q- Is masturbation discussed in the Bible, and can we send stories about it and submit questions on it?
A- Yes. This is open to much interpretation when it comes to scripture. Some would say it does not describe anything because content description is used in metaphors or allegory, others may point to Song of Songs 6:2-6 as Solomon's beloved longs for him while he is not with her. Her writing focuses on him alone. In our interpretation she describes herself desirng to be satisfied sexually in his absence. We believe there is fun, acceptable and creative sensuality that masturbation can bring between a couple only when approached together. Because of this great resource in a marriage we do embrace it in our pages when it is openly communicated and practiced by both spouses together.

5. Q- Is Oral Sex okay as a Christian? What does God think about this in our marriage?
A- Yes. We see many descriptives in detail of oral sex described in Song of Songs (2:3; 4:13-15; 7:7-9) and Eros Marriage will include descriptives of this in many stories shared by our readers. We believe this is a special and sensual area to our sex lives shared by each spouse, and we encourage our readers to explore this area of their lives if they don't currently. Please see our topics of discussion for many great ways to make this very enjoyable for both.

6. Q- Can I suggest topics or have questions answered in this section?
A- Yes. Please visit our contact tab under the 'Welcome' section and submit questions you may have. We will do our best to answer them in balance to what we find in scripture and in relevance to how it applies to our lives today. If it is something that all our readers could benefit from we may include it in this section.

7. Q- Would my Pastor approve of me and my spouse enjoying this website?
A- We hope so! Each Pastor has different ways they lead their congregations in this area. Sex and sensual conversations are not typical in many churches because it's difficult to speak to every person's or couple's situations. There are many examples and stories told in scripture that would bring about strong opinions and judgement of sexual misconduct, and no one wants these messages to distract from teachings of the Gospel in Christ. However in following what we see in the Bible, we believe there is a very special nature to our sex lives when God brings together a man and woman in marriage. It is a true gift given in purity for one man and one woman to enjoy together, and we should be excited and eager to explore ways to keep our sex fresh and alive in our relationships. The content in this website is not meant to be enjoyed separately, but as spouses together, or in circumstances where one is away. However we always embrace open communication in these times to maximize the effectiveness of this website.

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