Eros Marriage
Promoting Passion Filled Christian Marriages
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Posting Content
Eros Marriage is an interactive website. We invite you to send
your thoughts, ask questions, submit articles on marriage,
romance and sensuality, and also sharing your 'playtime' tales
and erotic adventures together.
In this section please review our posting criteria and ways we
can help you get your material on our pages. We do NOT censor
content, but we may ask you to modify words or phrases to keep
it within our parameters. We also reserve the right to edit
elements of stories, questions, or post threads if needed. This is done mainly to fit the space or content requirements. We strive to be authentic and relevant in all detail of this website, but we also desire to maintain integrity in keeping our thoughts and minds purely on our spouse. This website although non-pornograhic can bring about past familiar nature from imagery, words, gestures, pictures and especially language in the detail of our stories. Our goal is to keep it real, but also as clean and fun as possible for all readers (Please see details in posting content below).

Literary Parameters
Topics for Discussion
We love detail, genuine people and real experiences, but we don't need dark, angry, dirty or cursing descriptives to get the picture. Please use class and courtesy in all your postings on Eros Marriage. Remember that the whole world is our audience. Give us the nitty gritty, but please do not include the 'F' word. There are many ways to explain our sexual eroticism without using it. You and your spouse may use certain words together, and that is great for you to enjoy. However not everyone shares in this, and it can lead us to past behaviors and patterns of pornography (people, imagery and places). Please be selective in using sensual language in your public posts. Also keep in mind that overly dark words used to describe your spouse's genitals can lead people right back into a pornographic nature. Please use what comes natural to you, just keep in mind this thought while you are writing. Before we publish your stories we may ask you to modfify things where needed. Please note that we reserve the right as Administrators to moderate these posts that are contained within our pages.
(please see the current Eros Stories for examples of acceptable conent).
There are topics we will avoid, but no topics off limits. We may exclude some depending on relevency to the website or the nature of the topic. We will only moderate to where the conversation needs to go on occassion (direction of others comments). As Christians we are aware that each person comes from different backgrounds, and yet God's word (the Bible) is clear as to these expectations for us. Eros Marriage will not condone or participate in anything deemed as sexual misconduct (see our beliefs), but we realize that many need to ask questions, or seek help and direction to grow and/ or turn away from past and current sin.
We encourage our readers to ask these questions, post relevant topics, be as descriptive as needed, but even more so to be encouraging and positive to all. Because of the interactive nature of this website, we can be a part of the growth, restortation and wellness of our love for one another, and spiritual maturity at the same time.