Eros Marriage
Promoting Passion Filled Christian Marriages
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Eros Stories
Eros Stories is a password protected page.
This section of our website is intended for married couples only.
Because of the graphic sensual nature in the writing, these stories are meant to be shared intimately with our spouses only. We strive to maintain sexual and relational integrity with our partners at all times.
When these posts are shared intimately they become a sexy, creative and fun arousal tool for you to enjoy together. When they are used alone and/ or without the knowledge of our partner though, it becomes immoral. As Christians we value and uphold the purity of our thoughts and attraction, reserved only for our spouse. When these are read together, the intent is to place ourselves and our partner as the subjects in the stories. This is why they must be enjoyed together, and with completely open communication.
Share your login and password with your spouse, click the link below and enjoy together!
We encourage you to write your own stories and share them here (names witheld of course).
Thank you-
Eros Marriage Administrators