Eros Marriage
Promoting Passion Filled Christian Marriages
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To resource, encourage and unify marriages through God's gift of Eros love
Eros Marriage celebrates Bibical marriage (a man and woman), couples soon to be married (engaged), and those practicing purity and manogamy. We also believe that sex and our sensual life is God's awesome gift for one another in marriage.
Let's just jump in feet first here and say, "there may be many things you do and do not agree with in our beliefs". We understand that all minister's of the Gospel have various ways of looking at what may be deemed "acceptable" sensual and sexual practices as believers (we'll get to that in a moment). On the flip side we will all agree from scripture in many places as to what is immoral, and do our very best to uphold our views and values as Christians. That type of content you will NOT see or read on our pages.
With that out of the way, in order to work at enjoying and growing in our sensual relationships, we encourage some deeper things to happen in breaking down barriers in our sex lives. The things that often become these obstacles are what we believe is and is not acceptable in what we practice in private together. Hence, this website is created by practicing Christian leaders to help remove some of what we may interepret incorrectly in scripture. Although we are not licensed sexual therapists, counselors, or Theological Scholars, we all as believers are given the ability to interpret scripture throughout the Bible. These things that we find acceptable when practiced as a married couple do include the role of fantasy play (with each other's spouse in these roles only), oral sex, and even masturbation when the subject of our fantasies is our spouse. There are a few verses "pertaining" to masturbation in the Bible, and yet very little about the sinful nature of the action one way or the other. You can see more on this topic in the Q&A section also. What it does speak fluently about is the lust that ocurrs from most fantasy, and mainly would involve other people. In that case the sin is adultery (Matt 5:28). The bigger question is, "Can you keep from crossing this line in your thoughts?" We believe you can! If a couple practices this together, and with mindful conviction and great communication it truly can enhance and make God's gift very enjoyable together. The trouble is... very few Christians dare to venture there either out of fear, distrust in one another, or fear that they are sinning against God in their actions. We totally understand! However, we hope we can be of help to face these fears with Eros Marriage, and learn to stay clean before God in our mind and hearts, and pure with our spouse and our marriage bed. Can it be done? Yes! Will there be temptation along the way? There could, but we hope you will face those things together in victory, and enjoy a deeper sexual relationship than ever before. Allow walls to come down in your conversations, and use subjects on this website to help you. Participate in the forum setion, ask detailed questions, get to the root of your feelings, then enjoy the great sexual gift that God has given you and your spouse to enjoy together! Your sensual relationship can go to new heights, even those married over 20 years (like ours), who were caught in these same ruts with questions, and things "off limits" we once thought we could never talk about and solve. Those walls are now down. We did... and so can you!
What is Pornography, and how is it used or applied in Eros Marriage
Pornography is defined as, "Sexually based material either visual or writings that bring about, or promote a heightened state of arousal from the content." There is no doubt that erotic literature will arouse the reader. However, the term and use of "pornography" as viewed in the church becomes a sin and sexually immoral from the formation of lust, infatuation, selfishness, and its hidden use that it can bring. These things certainly cause division between couples and can destroy marriages. As Jesus put it in Matthew 5:28- "But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart."
What the Bible does not address are married couples enjoying their sensuality where each other are the center of their thoughts and motivations (literature only). Can these stories be misused and become sexually immoral..? Yes, without a doubt. Therefore, Eros Marriage does not use suggestive imagery (nudity, faces to bodies) to accompany any of our stories for this reason. Nor do we allow ceratin description of the those being depicted, or their anatomy (hair color, names, large or small genitalia, etc.). This also includes actions or language in the content that would be considered sexually immoral. The idea is to to apply a story generically to picture you and your spouse "in the scene". The over use of description or use of names can easily detail someone other than your spouse.
Much of what you will read in our Eros Stories are very similar to what you and your spouse already are enjoying in your own privacy, even much of the language that we have allowed. It is very difficult to draw the line at what is and is not permissable in that area.
We have for that purpose only excluded notable curse words and things that scripture deems as unacceptable (anal sex, fornication- sleeping around /non married, sex with other people or as minors, public sex, S&M, overly kinky or abusive practices, any unlawful acts, homosexuality and bestiality). The intent of this website is for married couples only to participate in this together, never by themselves. We believe that when a couple trulthfully fantasizes about each other, there is no sin, or lust for others being committed. If you or your spouse have any issues with the content on Eros Marriage or our beliefs, it becomes purely a heart issue between you and God. Please respect each others views and convictions, and do not press forward, coerce, or use the material contained on our pages. You must be in complete unity with your spouse in your decisions either way.
If you do choose to participate, we invite you to find our wesbite pleasurable, fun and a creative way to keep the Eros love burning strong in our marriages.
Enjoy your spouse and shower them with Eros love!